Visual Stories from Science and Beyond

About me

Hi, I am Koshika Yadava, an Immunologist and Illustrator based in Basel, Switzerland. I am curious about humans, the world we inhabit and influence, and which affects us in return. As an immunologist, this curiosity shaped my research on barrier tissues such as the lungs, gut and skin. As an illustrator, it has helped me develop new ways of seeing. I dabble in digital art, animation, and traditional arts. Take a look around. If my work tickles your fancy, get in touch and let us create something together.

I am happiest when the science and illustration spheres collide. Within this space, I started this venture, Skala, a fusion of the words; Science in English, and Kala, which means art in Hindi.

I designed the Skala logo to embody my interests in art and science. It shows the Fungus Penicillium, named for its resemblance to a painter’s brush. I chose this Fungus not only for its apt name but also for the story behind the discovery of the life-saving antibiotic Penicillin derived from it. It’s a story of chance, necessity and innovation grounded in compassion and unshackled from profit motives.